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There's no substitute for
over 50 years' experience

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All our operatives hold ECITB (The Engineering Construction Training Board) Safety Passports.

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Operatives available with national security clearance. 


Operatives available with VCA Certificate to allow working in the Netherlands and Belgium and widly accepted in other EU countries.


The Confined Space Regulations 1997 state that work in confined space must be avoided, where possible.  Jackson Electronics can provide this alternative by sending in a camera rather than a man and by providing remote cleaning.  However, where the risk assessment dictates all operatives are trained to work in confined spaces.


The Working at Heights Regulations 2005 state that working at height must be avoided where it is reasonably practicable to do so. Jackson Electronics can provide an alternative by sending up a camera or drone.  However, where the risk assessment dictates our operatives have undertaken working at height training and working with fall arrest equipment.


Operatives available with IPAF (International Powered Access Foundation) category 3a and 3b. The IPAF 3a Operator category covers the safe use of Mobile Vertical machines generally called Scissor Lifts. The IPAF 3b Operator category covers the safe use of Mobile Boom machines which are self-propelled booms and may be articulated or telescopic booms. 


PFCO (Permission For Commercial Operations) trained drone pilots.

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All our operatives are trained to undertake basic risk assessments and understand their right to stop work and request changes to eliminate or reduce the perceived risk.

Jackson Electronics Limited - Registered in England & Wales No. 3768092 - VAT No. 745 4006 48
Registered Office:  Jackson Electronics Limited - Danethorpe Hill - Newark - Nottinghamshire - NG24 2PD

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